Sister Callista Roys Adaptation Model DQ 5

Sister Callista Roys Adaptation Model DQ 5

Sister Callista Roys Adaptation Model DQ 5

Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation model explains both individuals and groups as holistic systems, with coping systems used to maintain adaptation. Unfortunately when illness occurs it affects the patients adaptation and coping mechanisms and may affect family units as well. The four ways of categorizing coping activity is called Adaptive modes. There are four modes: Physiological/physical, self concept-group identity, role function and interdependence mode.

The Physiological mode is made up of basic human needs such as nutrition, oxygenation, elimination and rest. Within the hospital setting this is priority to keep the patient hemodynamically stable. The Self concept or group identity entails self esteem, appearance and feelings of self worth. As nurses we must encourage, build up and be a positive resource for our patient. Role function mode is patient feelings of obligation to fulfill their role of their household. The patient may worry about responsibilities such as work, finances, children, spouses and any other obligations they usually are responsible for. As nurses we may assist with phone calls, involving social work and assisting the patient to make accomodations. The last mode which is interdependence mode entails the love and care the patient receives from the most important people in their lives. Nurses can encourage family member to visit as well as bring outside food that nourishes the patient according to their diet, and bringing keepsakes that are meaningful to the patient.

Case Study:

According to Roys Adaptation Model The Assessment will begin with assessing physical, behavioral as well as stimuli the patient is experiencing. The patients history of mental illness in addition to lack of a support system is an influential concern that must be addressed. Assessment of patients response and coping methods is necessary. The Nursing Diagnosis could be Risk for self harm as evidenced by history of mental health issues and new onset of trauma related to recent motor vehicle accident causing impaired mobility. Planning must include the rehabilitation living center and the details of length of stay, services and treatment. Discussing reconciliation with family members as an option for added support. Intervention entails staying on his mental heath regimen according to Dr.s orders as well as Physical and or occupational therapy for the new injury. Accomodations made through social work to coordinate equipment needed to assist in disability.


Parker, M. E., & Smith, M. C. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice(Forth ed.). Philadelphia, PA.: F.A. Davis Company.


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