Personal Leadership Style Presentation Essay 9

Personal Leadership Style Presentation Essay 9

Personal Leadership Style Presentation Essay 9

Throughout this course, you were exposed to different leadership theories, skills, concepts, and ideas. You have also taken a variety of self-assessments to learn some things about yourself and your leadership skills. Additionally, you have had the opportunity to dialogue with faculty and fellow classmates to hear different perspectives on leadership. For this assignment, please reflect on your involvement with the course content, your clinical nursing experiences, the literature, your personal moral beliefs, and develop your own leadership style and present via a PechaKucha presentation, submitted with an abstract and reference page.

Your project should contain well-thoughtout ideas, congruent with some main concept or belief that piece together and form your personal leadership style. A leadership style refers to not only what you do, but how you do it, why you do it. It is very “deliberate” and “intentional”. Additionally, do not use or describe a known theory for your project, for example, do not do a presentation on Servant Leadership, Transformational Leadership, etc. While your project may include some ideas from these theories, your style needs to “be your own” and not a description/expansion of a known theory, or someone’s style that you look up to. (For example, it is not appropriate to say your style is like Beyonce). If you do this, you will receive zero points for content, because you did not present a personal style.

Suggested Process for Developing Your Leadership Style
First, identify your central theme of your leadership style. Think about the most important quality/concept/idea that makes one a great leader. Perhaps this is best done by thinking of someone who you admire as a great leader – what do they do that makes you think they are a good leader? This is your central theme. Your leadership style should revolve around this “touchstone” which should be evident as you go through and describe your style. Some students in the past have found it helpful to write down as many beliefs about leadership that they can and then see if there is some idea that runs through those beliefs.

Presentation Guidelines
For this presentation, a PechaKucha presentation in a 20 X 20 format, meaning 20 slides in 20 seconds each for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds per student will be used.
It is strongly suggested to start early on this assignment.
• Create a powerpoint presentation using a neutral background and sans serif fonts. Personal Leadership Style Presentation Essay 9
• Use text sparingly and avoid bullet points.
• Keep slides visually minimalistic and the content applicable to the presentation. Heavy text on slides create readers instead of listeners of the presentation. Avoid using images that do not apply to the topic or do not contribute meaningful visual information.
• Do not attach any sound to the presentation and do not use slide transitions or animations.
• Set the PowerPoint to automatically advance every 20 seconds during the presentation.
• Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. The presentation should be given in a similar vein to a TED talk or poster presentation. The student is the content expert of their particular topic and should be able to present their findings in a professional, conscise, and fluid way that would mimic sharing the same information with colleagues or peers.
Content Guidelines
• Presentation content is your leadership style; be creative; think about including quotes, other verbiage, pictures, models, anything to help visually show your leadership style. It needs to be informative, as well as visual.
• Quotes and photos do not need a citation/reference, however you do need to cite any information from the references
• Refer to description and rubric of required content.
• Suggested minimal slides:
• Presents a comprehensive leadership style including “touchstone” and primary concept ideas
• Demonstrate evidence of extensive reflection and research on effective leadership
• Content should cover typical leadership activities, activities you think are most important to the leader, and these four situations/issues must be addressed: bullying of colleagues/incivility, serving in an educator or preceptor role, serving as a charge nurse, and addressing potential impairment of colleagues, staff, and/or physicians.

Abstract Guidelines
This abstract is intended to be a concise, informative explanation of your leadership style; clearly state your style and how it is entwined through your presentation. Use the following format below.
• 1 inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman
• Title of Presentation (centered, upper & lower case)
• Your name directly under the poster title(centered, upper & lower case)
• Double space after your name and then begin the summary
• Your abstract should summarize the main points of your style
• Length should be at least ½ page, and no longer than 1 page
• Single space- except for the one double space between your name and the text
• Citations are not included in the abstract
• Do not use first person in the abstract. Personal Leadership Style Presentation Essay 9

Reference Page/Citations
Project requires a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references, that should be included on a reference page using APA 7th edition formatting. Citations should be included on the powerpoint slide. Do NOT include the Reference List in the slide presentation – only include a small citation on these.
• The 5 outside, peer-reviewed sources beyond your course readings should support your style/or assisted you to develop your leadership style. Avoid using web site sources as most are not peer-reviewed. You can certainly