NR505NP Week 8 Assignment: Reflection on Learning

NR505NP Week 8 Assignment: Reflection on Learning

NR505NP Week 8 Assignment: Reflection on Learning


Week 8: Leadership and Peer Review

Immersive Reader

Week 8: Leadership and Peer Review

Week 8Leadership and Peer Review

Leadership in EBP

As a master’s-prepared advanced practice nurse, you are expected to engage in evidence-based practice. To do so, you must be able to find, evaluate, and apply research. You will need to model findings and use evidence to guide your practice rather than using traditional or other less effective ways of knowing. As a future leader, what are the skills that you need to guide others in the use of evidence-based practice?

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According to Newhouse (2007), actions leaders can take to foster EBP include:


Providing Resources

  • Making evidence available to staff
  • Providing mentors and mentorship
  • Providing tools to complete EBP process
  • Providing EBP education, skill building, and competencies


  • Committing to a strategic plan to make EBP a reality o Using evidence to inform decisions
  • Including evidence in the quality improvement process
  • Using clinical practice guidelines based on research
  • Fostering an organizational culture that promotes EBP
  • Developing a budget to provide for nurses with time to conduct EBP projects
  • Developing EBP resources within the organization and making them available to staff


  • Planning conversations and presentations about evidence
  • Fostering staff participation in planning and implementation of EBP
  • Posting results of EBP projects (e.g., clinical guidelines)
  • Communicating how evidence was used to make decisions

Peer Review

Peer review of scholarly projects and articles is an integral part of the process of disseminating evidence to support practice. Peer review helps ensure the quality of published research by assessing the quality and validity of studies. Peer reviewers are typically experts in the subject matter of an article under review. They provide a critique of an article’s merits and may make suggestions for revision. Some publications may ask peer reviewers to determine whether an article should be accepted for publication.

Several types of peer review exist. For example, peer reviews may be categorized as either closed (blinded) or open. In a closed or blinded review, author information is withheld from the reviewer to prevent the possibility of conscious or subconscious bias (Dunn, 2018). In an open review, the reviewer may be aware of the identity of the author.

Journals typically develop their own peer review processes, which are stated in their article submission information. Journals are ethically obligated to provide transparent peer review policies, while peer reviewers have an obligation to provide fair, unbiased, timely reviews (COPE Council, 2017). You may want to take a minute to check out the peer review processes for a few journals, such as AORN, Nurse Educator, The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, or Nursing Forum. Journals also set their own criteria for who can serve as a peer reviewer. As you contemplate your future plan for scholarly engagement and lifelong learning, you may want to consider becoming a peer reviewer for a journal of interest to you and your practice.


Should I agree to be a peer reviewer for an article?

  1. Do I have time to meet the required deadlines?
  2. Do I have expertise in the article’s subject matter?
  3. Do I know my personal limitations in relation to the subject or study design?
  4. Am I able to provide constructive criticism related to the article topic?
  5. Do I have any conflicts of interest?

Common questions to ask when conducting a peer review:

  1. Is the research question original, relevant, and interesting?
  2. Is the writing in the manuscript clear and easy to follow?
  3. Are there notable flaws in the research related to the study design, data collection, sampling, validity, or statistical analysis?
  4. Is the research robust?
  5. Can future researchers replicate the study?
  6. Do the authors’ conclusions match the evidence presented?
  7. Are tables and figures helpful?
  8. Are references accurate, adequate, and balanced?
  9. Does the research add to nursing knowledge?





Week 8: Self-Reflection and Lifelong Learning


Week 8: Self-Reflection and Lifelong Learning

Week 8

Self-Reflection and Lifelong Learning

Plan for Continued Learning and Self Appraisal



In this course, you have gained a number of valuable skills; however, it is not enough to learn the skills. You must carry them forward into your NP practice and continue to seek out new learning opportunities to refine your competencies. Self-reflection will help you develop a plan for ongoing growth. Miraglia & Asselin (2013) define reflection as a process of learning about one’s self, thoughts, and actions which leads to new perspectives as a result of the reflective process. According to Sadlon (2018), reflection is a process whereby a person explores their own cognitive, emotional and mental frames of reference. Reflection is a distinct form of thinking that supports the formation of new meanings related to oneself and circumstances. Taking time to develop a self-reflective practice will help you throughout your nursing career. As you prepare to move on in the program, take a moment to pause and reflect on all you’ve learned. Consider the next steps in your professional development related to research and evidence-based practice. Here are some questions to consider:

Are you confident In your ability to find and critique research studies to find the answer to your practice questions?

Are you able to evaluate literature search results to select the best evidence for practice?

How often have you used the EBP process to answer a question regarding patient care in the last 6 months?

Do you see yourself as a potential leader in relation to research and BP? If so, in what ways will you lead?

What are your strengths and areas for growth related to incorporating into your current and future practice?

What steps will you take to continue to grow in your skills? How will you engage in nursing scholarship and life-long learning?


Week 8: References

Week 8: References

Week 8


COPE Council. (2017). Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers. COPE.

Dunn, D. (2018). The value and process of peer review. AORN Journal,107, 661-664.

Miraglia, R. & Asseslin, M. E. (2015). Reflection as an educational strategy in nursing professional development: An integrative review. Journal of Nursing Professional Development, 31(2), 62-72.

Newhouse, R. (2007). Creating infrastructure supportive of evidence-based nursing practice: Leadership strategies. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 4(1), 21–29.

Sadlon, P. P. (2018). The process of reflection: A principle-based concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 53, 364-368.


Week 8: Reflection on Learning

Week 8: Reflection on Learning

Due Saturday by 11:59pm Points 15 Submitting a file upload

Week 8

Reflection on Learning


Submit the reflection here before posting to the discussion thread.

ORDER A CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE NR505NP Week 8 Assignment: Reflection on Learning HERE


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on the weekly concepts learned in the course.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Integrate evidence-based and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 1,4)

CO 2: Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve health outcome. (PO 1, 2)

CO 3: Demonstrate professional and personal growth through a spirit of inquiry, scholarship, and service in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 3, 4)

CO 4: Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies. (PO 1, 5)

CO 5: Analyze research findings and evidence-based practice to advance holistic care initiatives that promote positive healthcare outcomes. (PO 1, 2, 5)

Due Date

This assignment should be submitted to the drop box by Saturday at 11:59PM MST.

This assignment will follow the late assignment policy specified in the course syllabus.

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

In the event of a situation that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal. Consideration of the student’s total course performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending.

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth 15 points.

Preparing the Assignment

The document should include all reflections from weeks one to eight.

The document should include a title page in APA 7th edition format, double-spaced, with each week’s reflection labeled with a level 1 heading listing the week number.

The week 8 reflection should answer the following questions:

What is your personal plan to promote lifelong personal and professional growth in the use of evidence-based practice?

Do you have any plans to disseminate the information you found to support your project in this course?









Document includes all reflections from Weeks 1 – 8




1) Includes a title page in APA format

2) Document is double spaced

3) Each week’s reflection is labeled with a level 1 heading listing the week number

4) Only include a reference page if references were cited in the body of the reflections. If reference page is included, it is in APA format.



NR505NP Week 8 Reflection on Learning Rubric

NR505NP Week 8 Reflection on Learning Rubric

Criteria  Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll Reflections Included

Document includes all reflections from Weeks 1 – 8

10 pts


Presentation of information includes reflections from all 8 weeks

9 pts

Very Good

Presentation of information includes reflections from 7 weeks

8 pts


Presentation of information includes reflections from 6 weeks

5 pts

Needs Improvement

Presentation of information includes reflections from 5 weeks

0 pts


Presentation of information includes reflections from fewer than 5 weeks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting

1) Includes a title page in APA format

2) Document is double spaced

3) Each week’s reflection is labeled with a level 1 heading listing the week number

4) Only include a reference page if references were cited in the body of the reflections. If reference page is included, it is in APA format.

5 pts


Presentation of information includes all 4 requirements

4.5 pts

Very Good

Presentation of information includes 3 requirements

4 pts


Presentation of information includes 2 requirements

2 pts

Needs Improvement

Presentation of information includes 1 requirements

0 pts


Presentation does not meet formatting requirements

5 pts

Total Points: 15