In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper

In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper

In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper

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ORDER A CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper HERE

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In this assignment, you will complete the Evidence Paper which is the draft of the Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation. Use the APA student paper template provided to write this paper.

Review your instructor response to your clinical question on the Week 4 discussion board for guidance before you start this assignment.

To promote success, it is recommended that you send your clinical question that includes a nursing intervention within your scope of practice and 3 research articles as an attachment via email to your instructor for review by Wednesday in week 4.

Use this template: Evidence Paper Template 11.2023.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Download Evidence Paper Template 11.2023.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader

The clinical question should be written using the intervention format: In elderly patients (P), how does the implementation of a fall risk protocol (I) compared to none (C), affect the number of falls (O) within hospitalization (T)?

Use your clinical question to create keywords and complete a literature search using the Galen library database. Start early in the week so that you can contact the Galen librarian for guidance on searching the databases as needed. The librarians are available online via live chat or by placing a support ticket.

Find and save full text (PDF) of 3 research articles (primary or secondary research studies based on high levels of evidence) dated within the past 5 years. Do not use lower levels of evidence articles such as quality improvement project, scoping review, literature review or integrative review.

Select articles that show your nursing intervention is effective in achieving your desired outcome stated in your clinical question. For example, if you plan to implement yoga as a nursing intervention to enhance weight loss, all 3 studies must find (reported under the results/findings section) that yoga is an effective weight-loss strategy. If you cannot find studies to support your intervention and outcome, consider the need to edit your intervention and outcome within the clinical question. Then, repeat the literature search using the revised keywords.

Use a total of 4 sources, including the 3 research articles and the assigned course textbook.

Use 1 to 2 short, direct quotes and multiple paraphrases as supportive evidence throughout the paper with in-text citations and matching references formatted in APA style.

Each short, direct quote should contain less than 20 words.

Each paragraph should contain a minimum of 4 sentences and a maximum of 6 to 8 sentences.

Complete a 4-page APA formatted paper (excluding the title and reference pages) to include the following:

1. Introduction (1 paragraph): Use the selected articles as sources as you:

Identify and introduce a nurse-related topic of interest.

Describe your interest in the topic.

Include a purpose statement.

2. Clinical Question (1 sentence): State your nurse-driven intervention clinical question. Do not discuss the PICOT components.

3. Justification of the Topic (1 paragraph): Discuss one reason why this topic should be investigated and provide an in-text citation to support your claim for the reason.

4. Findings (3 paragraphs): Paraphrase the 3 research articles with in-text citations to report a summary of the findings. Do not use direct quotes. Summarize each article in one paragraph by identifying the:

Type of study (for example: quantitative or qualitative) or specific research design if stated (for example: systematic review or randomized controlled trial).

Purpose of the study.

Description of the sample (describe the sample characteristics and state the number of participants).

Methods (describe the data collection and data analysis procedures)

Results (Explain the findings and include statistical significance such as p value or numerical data for quantitative results and themes/concepts for qualitative results).

State how the study findings support the nursing intervention in your clinical question.

5. Recommendations (1 paragraph): Based on your findings, use evidence with in-text citations from the research findings to discuss two recommendations for improving clinical practice (bedside and patient care). Support each recommendation with evidence.

6. Conclusions (1 paragraph): Provide a concise summary of the evidence on the topic and state how the evidence you found support your clinical question. Do not include new information.


Adhere to page limit and utilize available resources as needed including Grammarly, Academic Writer, and Brainfuse Tutoring Services.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Submit your paper and review your Turnitin report and score.

If needed, edit your paper per the Turnitin Guidelines, and upload the revised version for grading before the due date.


Dissemination of Evidence Paper v.11.2023

Dissemination of Evidence Paper v.11.2023

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction


threshold: 7.0 pts

10 pts

Exceptional: Excellent context where paper clearly identifies a • Nurse-related topic • Personal interest in the nurse-related topic, and • Purpose statement (purpose of the paper).

8 pts

Effective: Effective context based on all of the criteria listed in the first column OR Excellent context based on 2 of the 3 criteria.

6 pts

Developing: Minimal context based on all of the criteria listed in the first column OR Excellent context based on 1 of the 3 criteria.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No introduction was provided. OR No Assignment Submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Question


threshold: 7.0 pts
10 pts

Exceptional: Excellent nurse-related interventional clinical question including all 5 PICOT components.

8 pts

Effective: Effective nurse-driven interventional clinical question meeting at least 4 of the 5 PICOT components.

6 pts

Developing: Developing nurse-driven interventional clinical question meeting less than 4 of the 5 PICOT component. OR the clinical question is not nurse-related. OR the clinical question is not an intervention question.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No clinical question was provided. OR No Assignment Submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustification of Topic


threshold: 7.0 pts

10 pts

Exceptional: Excellent context where paper clearly explain one reason why the topic should be investigated with the use of supportive evidence.

8 pts

Effective: Effective context where paper explains one reason why the topic should be investigated. May or may not have used supportive evidence.

6 pts

Developing: Developing context where paper did not adequately explain one reason why the topic should be investigated. OR No supportive evidence provided.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No justification was provided. OR No Assignment Submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle Summaries


threshold: 11.0 pts

30 pts

Exceptional: Excellent summaries of the three research articles describing the following 6 criteria: • Type of study/design • Purpose • Sample • Methods • Results • How the study findings support the nursing intervention in your clinical question All articles are scholarly/peer-reviewed, and dated within 5 years. Each article summary is presented in one paragraph.

20 pts

Effective: Effective summaries where all three articles described at least 4 of the 6 criteria listed on the first column. OR Two articles described all of the criteria listed on the first column. OR Two articles are scholarly/peer-reviewed, and dated within 5 years.

10 pts

Developing: Developing summaries where all three articles described less than 4 of the 6 criteria listed on the first column. OR One article described all of the criteria listed on the first column. OR One article is scholarly/peer-reviewed, and dated within 5 years.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No article summaries provided based on the criteria listed on the first column. OR No Assignment Submitted. OR None of the articles were research studies. OR None of the articles are scholarly/peer-reviewed, and dated within 5 years.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendations


threshold: 10.0 pts
15 pts

Exceptional: Excellent context where paper clearly discusses two recommendations for clinical practice with the use of supportive evidence for each recommendation.

12 pts

Effective: Effective context where paper discusses two recommendations for clinical practice with no supportive evidence

9 pts

Developing: Developing context where paper discusses only one recommendation for clinical practice. May or may not have used supportive evidence.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No recommendations were provided. OR No Assignment Submitted.
15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion


threshold: 4.0 pts

5 pts

Exceptional: Excellent conclusion clearly summarizes the findings and includes a statement of how the evidence found supports the clinical question. Includes no new information.

4 pts

Effective: Effective conclusion summarizes the findings and includes a statement of how the evidence found supports the clinical question. May or may not have included new information.

3 pts

Developing: Developing conclusion did not adequately summarize the findings and/or a statement of how the evidence found supports the clinical question. May or may not have included new information.

0 pts

Unacceptable: No conclusion was provided. OR No Assignment Submitted.
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics and Organization

10 pts


Excellent grammar, mechanics and organization with no errors in in the following: spelling, grammar, word order, word usage, and punctuation; logical sequence of paragraphs; and use of complete sentences. Paper is succinct and adheres to the page limits provided.

8 pts


Effective grammar, mechanics and organization with few minor errors meeting the criteria listed in the first column. Paper is succinct and adheres to the page limits provided.

6 pts


Developing grammar, mechanics and organization with many errors meeting the criteria listed in the first column. OR Paper is significantly under or over the page limits provided (under or over by at least half of a page).

0 pts


Very poor grammar, mechanics and organization is present where paper is difficult to understand. OR No Assignment Submitted.
10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format for Page Set Up, In-Text Citations and References.

10 pts


Excellent APA formatted student paper meets 3 of the 4 criteria: • Title page is free from error. • Page set up for general paper (font, page number, line spacing, and level headings) are free from errors. • There is consistent presence of correctly formatted APA in-text citations of the references used on the reference page within the text. • Correct APA formatting on the reference page.

7 pts


Effective APA formatted student paper meets at least 2 of the 4 criteria listed in the first column.

4 pts


Developing APA formatted student paper meets 1 of the 4 criteria listed in the first column. OR Paper contains more than 2 short direct quotes where all of the sources were credited within the text.

0 pts


No APA formatting OR No Assignment Submitted. OR Paper meets none of the 4 criteria listed in the first column. OR Paper contains more than 2 short direct quotes where all of the sources were not credited within the text.
10 pts

Total Points: 100
