I am doing my master’s in nursing education- this class am doing my practicum/clinicals for specialty clinic at a family medicine clinic/outpatient primary care -so please relate to this

Advancements in healthcare have come a long way, in part, due to the application of evidence to practice. As a nurse, you may find that you are sometimes so close to these advancements that they quickly become commonplace. But understanding the impact of evidence-based research on practice is important, and, hence, worth the effort of stepping back to better observe evidence-based practices that have benefitted.


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For this Discussion, you will explore evidence-based practices in your clinical specialty
Required Readings
• Chan, E. -Y., Glass, G. F., & Phang, K. N. (2020). Evaluation of a hospital-based nursing research and evidence-based practice mentorship program on improving nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site.. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 51(1), 46–52.
• Finnell, D. S., Thomas, E. L., Nehring, W. M., McLoughlin, K., & Bickford, C. J. (2015). Best practices for developing specialty nursing scope and standards of practiceLinks to an external site.. Online Journals of Issues in Nursing, 20(2), 1.
• Lavenberg, J. G., Cacchione, P. Z., Jayakumar, K. L., Leas, B. F., Mitchell, M. D., Mull, N. K., & Umscheid, C. A. (2019). Impact of a hospital evidence-based practice center (EPC) on nursing policy and practiceLinks to an external site.. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 16(1), 4–11.
• Storey, S., Wagnes, L., LaMothe, J., Pittman, J., Cohee, A., & Newhouse, R. (2019). Building evidence-based nursing practice capacity in a large statewide health system: A multimodal approachLinks to an external site.. Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(4), 208–214.
• Lippincott Nursing Center. (2020). What is evidence-based practice?Links to an external site.
• https://www.nursingcenter.com/journals-articles/video-Library/part-1-evidence-based-practice-improving-practi

To prepare:
• Review the Learning Resources for this week, and specifically focus on how evidence-based research can inform practice in your clinical specialty area.
• Identify a practice in your specialty area that is evidence based.
• Based on this practice, search the Walden Library and/or the internet for at least two peer-reviewed articles regarding recent research on this evidence-based practice you identified.