BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment PapeBHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papersrs

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Instructions: Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Prepare a health care problem analysis proposal in outline format (3-10 pages) on a current, relevant health care problem. Include the rationale for selecting the problem, a description of the how the problem is assessed and measured for quality improvement purposes, a proposed industry measure of performance, action steps for completing the project, and a description of the applicable leadership competencies.

Effective health care leaders simultaneously maintain internal organizational and external industry environmental awareness. Leaders are challenged to focus on vision, mission, strategic direction, goals, and objectives while remaining mindful of emerging trends that may affect an organization’s viability.

Monitoring the external environment for issues that may represent major challenges to an organization requires ongoing diligence. Health care administrators must identify and prioritize issues affecting their organizations. Furthermore, leaders must select methods and tools with which to analyze data for identification of potential solutions.

In this first assessment in your capstone course, you will have an opportunity to select a health care problem that is relevant to your career interests and one that adds value to a current or future health care organization. By the end of the course, you will be drawing from current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to provide evidence-based recommendations to solve the problem. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers


Demonstration of Proficiency in BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate problems in health care organizations, and apply tools to improve quality and outcomes.

Describe, using an authoritative source, how the selected health care problem is assessed and measured for quality improvement purposes. Describe how five American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) leadership competencies apply to the selected capstone project topic.

Competency 2: Analyze foundational elements of the U.S. health care system.

Identify a relevant problem along with the rationale for selecting the problem.

Competency 4: Analyze records and reports based on established benchmarks and organizational goals and performance.

Propose an industry measure of performance, such as a benchmark, which pertains to the type of organization selected for problem analysis.

Competency 5: Create comprehensive and useable data-driven actions plans, based on industry benchmarks. Provide a bulleted list of the preliminary action plan steps to review the problem and propose solutions.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.

Create a clear, well organized, professional, and generally error-free outline that describes a relevant health care problem.

Preparation for BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

To successfully complete this first assessment in your capstone course, you will need to conduct independent research on current, relevant problems facing the U.S. health care system. The problem you select needs to meet all of the following criteria:

  1. The selected health care problem is likely to affect your current or desired future workplace, such as a hospital, home health care agency, hospice, ambulatory clinic, et
  2. Authoritative and scholarly health care literature addresses the problem of
  3. Data is available for the selected
  4. The current state can be articulated by describing major factors and the way in which these factors are For example, the selected problem can be analyzed by examining such data as average length of stay (in days) and cost (dollars).

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Instructions: Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal

You may begin your research on current, relevant problems facing the health care industry by studying your suggested resources for this assessment. In addition, you may want to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide to help you begin your search for scholarly and authoritative sources on significant, contemporary problems in the health care industry.

Please ensure that the problem is relevant and of sufficient interest to your career goals since all future course work is built upon the stated problem.

Instructions for BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

For this assessment, you will construct a capstone health care problem analysis proposal on your selected topic. You may wish to envision your current or future workplace as the potential site for presentation of the proposal. After your proposal is constructed, you will receive feedback from your faculty member. Later in the course, in a separate assessment, you will receive feedback from a practicing professional about the proposed approach to analyze data relating to the problem.

The requirement for this assessment is to produce a proposal that has clear section headings and contains a flow of logic. You may opt to use an outline format. Please avoid lengthy narrative paragraphs, as the proposal is intended to be presented in an imaginary workplace. Busy executives will not have time to read paragraphs word for word. Instead, expect that your audience will read the document by scanning. Your goal is to provide succinct yet substantive information with sufficient depth to cover your selected problem. Remember to include a cover page, table of contents, section headings, and reference list. The length of the proposal is based upon the breadth and depth of your selected topic. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

The following general steps in construction of your proposal contain additional specific information requirements.

Step 1: Identify a relevant problem along with the associated rationale for the selection of the problem. Be sure to substantiate content with and authoritative source.

State the problem in a single sentence, tell why it is a problem, and add a citation from a current, authoritative source. For example: Condition X if not addressed may result in Consequence Y (source, year).

Step 2: Describe, using an authoritative source, how the selected health care problem is assessed and measured for quality improvement purposes. Include relevant factors and associated units of measurement.

Select six current authoritative sources that apply to your selected problem. You may consider your problem from an industry, organization, or

specific professional level. Be sure to include any industry standards, legal, and ethical considerations that relate to your problem. Summarize each of the six sources in a succinct sentence or two. Explain how each source directly relates to the problem. Be sure to add an APA formatted citation for each.

Step 3: Propose an industry measure of performance, such as a benchmark, which pertains to the type of organization selected for problem analysis. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

State the major factors or performance indicators that directly relate to your problem. Assign a unit of measurement to each factor (days, dollars, percentage, et cetera.)

Identify the authoritative source(s) used to determine the major factors you selected that relate to the problem. Identify which industry assessment tool or framework you will use to analyze the problem.

Step 4: Provide a bulleted list of the preliminary action plan steps to complete the capstone health care problem analysis project. Examples include:

conduct library search, formulate problem statement, identify factors and units of measure, and so on.

Step 5: Describe one competency from each of the five American College of Healthcare Executives’ (ACHE) domains that relate to your capstone health care problem analysis proposal.

Review the ACHE competency model:

Healthcare Leadership Alliance and the American College of Healthcare Executives. (2018). ACHE healthcare executive competencies assessment tool. Retrieved from

Provide a short statement about how you practice one competency within each of the five ACHE domains. Consider including a table such as the following within your outline. Note: You have been provided with one example of how you might complete this for one competency within one domain. You will need to complete the entire table—one competency within each of the five domains. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers



ACHE Domain



ACHE Competency Selected


How This Competency Relates to the Capstone Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal


Communication and Relationship Management






Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment Healthcare Systems and Organizations I chose health care systems and organizations because the capstone project will require me to develop skills in identifying substantive problems that the health care industry needs to address. It will also require me to develop skills in working to resolve a substantive problem within a health care organization.

Business Skills and Knowledge

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Data Collection and Analysis

Apply a selected tool to an identified health care problem, analyze the qualitative and quantitative results, and provide evidence-based recommendations to address the problem based on analyses performed. Include a minimum of two visual data displays (charts, graphs, et cetera).

Health care has become a data-driven industry that practices evidence-based decision making. Whether the issue is clinical or financial, health care leaders are expected to analyze problems using logic, established tools, and data. Effective leaders engage team members in the problem resolution process, encouraging a wide variety of perspectives. Once the problem is clearly defined, the health care leader is responsible for selecting an appropriate, established framework or tool with which to analyze the problem. Research, critical thinking, and team collaboration are important facets of problem solving. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Health care organizations have finite resources, so the solving of problems must take place within the confines of the organization’s available resources. In this assessment you will practice estimating the cost of one recommendation and determining whether implementing the recommendation is realistic for a specific health care organization. You will apply a simple cost benefit analysis and make a recommendation. Cost benefit analysis is another important skill for health care leaders, and this assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate critical thinking skills.

This assessment also provides the opportunity to reflect upon the industry and organizational contexts before engaging in application of a tool for problem analysis. You will consider the organization’s setting with respect to level of care, mission, strategy, operations, and culture. Moreover, you will think critically about legal, regulatory, ethical, and risk management operational issues that relate to the selected problem. Let’s get started. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate problems in health care organizations, and apply tools to improve quality and outcomes. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Provide rationale for the selected problem analysis model or tool.


Competency 3: Construct evidence-based health care management recommendations in compliance with personal and professional values and legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations.

Construct evidence based recommendations which may include ethical, legal, regulatory, and organizational standards.

Competency 4: Analyze records and reports based on established benchmarks and organizational goals and performance.

Analyze date relative to internal and external benchmarks.


As you prepare to complete this third course assessment, consider the organizational context. How does analysis of the problem align with the organization’s vision, mission, strategy and financial viability? Using numbers and organizational considerations, you will explain why the organization should or should not proceed with the recommendation. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers


This assessment consists of three parts.

Data Presentation

In this part of the assessment, you will apply the selected tool to the problem and produce a minimum of two visual data displays (charts, graphs, et cetera). Examples of tools you might include are:

Cost Benefit Analysis: Excel spreadsheet, converted into 2–3 worksheet tabs, graphs, or other visual display format. Compliance Assessment: 3 major criteria converted into 3 separate pie charts or other graphic display format. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Lean Analysis: The percent of variance by major factor converted into 2–3 trend lines.

Note: At a minimum, provide a cost benefit analysis of the recommendation.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Data

In this part of the assessment you will analyze the collected data relative to benchmarks. Provide discussion as to whether the selected benchmarks are internal to the organization, external industry benchmarks, or a combination. Be sure to include a short summary of observations. Note: If the problem requires an additional tool, such as a compliance audit tool, you may include more than one discussion of the results. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Evidence-Based Recommendations

In this final part of the assessment, provide evidence-based recommendations that will help to address the identified problem. Be sure to support your recommendations with references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources. Also include an explanation as to why the recommendations are feasible for this particular organization. For example, one recommendation might be to offer a new service line. Even though the new service may not generate an immediate profit, it might serve to draw additional patients into the network. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers – Assessment 4 Instructions: Interdisciplinary Presentation of Evidence-Based Recommendation

Create and deliver a slide presentation (8-12 slides; 3-5 minutes maximum presentation) on the analysis of a selected health care problem that includes evidence-based recommendations. Your submission needs to include a narrated webcam recording, using your PowerPoint slides and speaker notes, which serve as a transcript.

Health care leaders scan for emerging and existing issues, prioritize problems, collect and analyze data, propose evidence-based solutions, and engage diverse teams in the process. Once a problem has been sufficiently analyzed, the health care leader must identify stakeholders who will participate in the final decision making for a proposed evidence-based solution.

Most importantly, the health care leader must craft a message that is aligned with organizational mission and strategy, based upon sound analysis and data, and includes of a wide variety of diverse stakeholders. The message needs to be communicated in a clear, concise, culturally competent, balanced, and professional manner. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

In this assessment, you will have an opportunity to practice a wide variety of executive level skills by conducting a PowerPoint presentation on the selected health care problem. You will demonstrate a flow of logic and analysis by following a slide presentation outline template. In the presentation you will carry forward the work already completed in Assessment 3. Specifically you will cover the following in your presentation:

State the problem.

Identify clearly the relevant factors or performance indicators and associated units of measurement. Describe the application of an appropriate analysis tool to the problem.

Offer insights and evidence-based recommendations.


As you prepare for this webcam presentation, keep the imaginary audience in mind. It is comprised of a diverse senior leadership team at the selected organization. The team represents a variety of ages, cultures, and perspectives. You will communicate your presentation in a concise, professional, and culturally competent manner. The goal is to persuade the senior leadership team to implement the evidence-based recommendations presented. Consider that two senior leadership team members may be evaluating you as a high potential candidate for a promotion. Good luck! It is time to construct your presentation. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 3: Construct evidence-based health care management recommendations in compliance with personal and professional values and legal, regulatory, and ethical considerations.

Analyze evidence-based recommendations with respect to organizational context. Provide rationale for the execution of evidence-based recommendations. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Competency 5: Create comprehensive and useable data-driven action plans, based on industry benchmarks.

Construct a data-driven action plan based upon industry benchmarks to solve the selected health care problem.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.

Create a succinct PowerPoint presentation on the selected problem and recommendations that is designed for interdepartmental senior leadership team viewing.


Complete these tasks to successfully prepare for this presentation. FPX BHA 4020 Assessment 4 Instructions Paper


Review Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX] for a refresher on how to create compelling, visually appealing slides that capture the audience’s attention.

Download and study the Final PowerPoint Template [PPTX] for a suggested structure for the slides. Using the slide template will help to keep your presentation within the maximum 3 to 5 minute presentation time frame. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Practice Video Recording the Presentation

After developing slides and preparing your speaker notes, practice delivering the presentation multiple times via screen and webcam recording before making the final webcam recording for submission. Practicing your presentation multiple times will make the presentation more polished and professional. Likewise, multiple dry runs will also help you adhere to the 3 to 5 minute maximum presentation length. Before submitting the presentation, make sure the recording is audible, the slides are visible, and that you are included in a video capture. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Consult the Using Kaltura [PDF] for additional guidance on how to record the presentation.


Use the Final PowerPoint [PPTX] template to create a 3–5 minute recorded PowerPoint presentation of 8–12 preformatted slides. The template provides the outline of what you need to cover in the presentation. The goal of this assessment is to communicate essential elements of your analysis in a succinct manner. A 3- to 5-minute presentation may not seem long, but it is the reality in today’s health care workplace. Busy executives will not be able to spare more time than this. The presentation is for interdepartmental senior leadership team viewing.

Be sure to include visual summaries of your data, such as a pie chart or graph. The summarized data visual display should be in a readable format in a Word document or spreadsheet. It is important to include specific titles for the data summaries that identify the subject matter and measurement units.

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5 Instructions: Health Care Leadership

Complete a self-assessment of 25 ACHE leadership competencies. Prepare a personal development plan that identifies specific action steps and due dates for improvement of five selected leadership competencies. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Throughout their careers, health care leaders must regularly assess their individual competencies and how those competencies align with organizational needs and priorities. Changing laws, regulations, technology, consumer preferences, medical treatment advances, and external environmental shifts can affect the skill sets needed for effective leadership. Accurate self-assessment is an important first step in identification of areas for future leadership development.

In this assessment, you will reflect upon your performance with respect to the industry-validated ACHE leadership competency model. After identifying areas of strength and areas for development, you can craft specific action steps to address any leadership development gaps. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 4: Analyze records and reports based on established benchmarks and organizational goals and performance.

Identify five individual competencies within each of the five ACHE model domains practiced during the capstone project.

Estimate baseline competency performance ratings at the beginning of the BHA program on the 25 identified individual competencies. Assess current competency performance ratings for the capstone project on the 25 identified individual competencies.

Competency 5: Create comprehensive and useable data-driven action plans, based on industry benchmarks.

Identify one competency within each of the five ACHE domains for further development.

Create one specific action step with a due date to strengthen competency performance for each of the five development areas identified. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers


To successfully prepare to complete this final course assessment, you will need to review the ACHE competency model:

Healthcare Leadership Alliance and the American College of Healthcare Executives. (2018). ACHE healthcare executive competencies assessment tool. Retrieved from

Remember that you already examined this tool in Assessment 1 and identified one competency from each domain that you would be practicing while completing the capstone project.


This assessment is in two parts:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment.

You will assess the development of your leadership skills over the course of your BHA program.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan.

You will identify measurable action steps for future career development based on the results of your leadership skills assessment. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

To complete your leadership self-assessment:

Download the Leadership Self-Assessment Template [DOCX].

Select five competencies from each of the five ACHE leadership domains (25 total competencies) that you practiced during your capstone project and enter them into the appropriate space on the template (Column 2).


Estimate your performance at the beginning of your BHA program on each of the 25 competencies you selected. The rating scale is from 1 (novice) to

5 (expert).

Enter this information on Column 3 of the template.

Early careerists typically score in the novice to competent performance levels. Occasionally they may rate in the expert category. The faculty member will be emphasizing rating accuracy rather than how high the ratings are.

Assess your performance after completing your capstone project on each of the selected 25 competencies. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Enter this information in Column 4 on the template.

Summarize your insights about strengths and improvement areas in the space provided.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan

To complete the personal development plan part of this assessment:

Download the Personal Development Plan Template [DOCX].

Select from your leadership self-assessment five competencies (one from each of the five domains) for further development and cultivation of your health care leadership skills. Enter these competencies into Column 2 of the template. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers

Determine one specific, measurable action step for each of the five selected competencies that will promote skill development. Enter the actions steps in Column 3 of the template.

People learn the most from having the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their skills. Although courses and readings certainly have value for personal development, consider other ways to cultivate the selected competencies. For example, obtain a mentor, solicit feedback from a more experienced colleague, join a professional organization, or volunteer your services. BHA FPX 4020 Assessment Papers