Assignment: As advanced practice nurses, you will be called on to participate as leaders in decision making about health policy. That participation can include development and implementation of health policies at the local, state, and national levels

Assignment: As advanced practice nurses, you will be called on to participate as leaders in decision making about health policy. That participation can include development and implementation of health policies at the local, state, and national levels

Assignment: As advanced practice nurses, you will be called on to participate as leaders in decision making about health policy. That participation can include development and implementation of health policies at the local, state, and national levels


As advanced practice nurses, you will be called on to participate as leaders in decision making about health policy. That participation can include development and implementation of health policies at the local, state, and national levels.

Completion of this project will give you the experience to participate in health policy development and/or reform in your future advanced nursing practice.

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Assignment Guidelines

Based on the health policy you selected for this project, compose a 20-slide presentation (excluding title and references slides) for a new or reformed health policy that addresses issues of social justice and equity. The presentation should provide a compelling, research-based rationale supporting the need for the new or reformed policy.

The presentation should also include a minimum of four support graphics (relevant images, charts, and graphs).

Support your explanation with at least ten credible references (references should not be older than three years):

No more than three from websites (appropriate websites are only those that end in .org, .gov, or .edu.)

At least three research articles

At least three professional nursing journal articles

When preparing your references, double-check that the DOI (if used) is correct. Also check that the URLs for journals are correct.


Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 12.1: Contemporary Health Policy Project: Draft Presentation page.

Assignment 12.1: Health Policy Project: Draft Presentation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Presentation Content

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10 to >9 pts

Meets All Expectations

Presentation content consistently relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates significant critical thinking.

9 to >8 pts

Meets Most Expectations

Presentation content relates to all assignment prompts and demonstrates some critical thinking.

8 to >7 pts

Meets Some Expectations

Presentation content relates to some assignment prompts and demonstrates limited critical thinking.

7 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Presentation content relates little (or not at all) to assignment prompts and demonstrates misinformed or inaccurate thinking.

/ 10 pts

References and Support

view longer description

5 to >4 pts

Meets All Expectations

Includes ten credible and current resources.

4 to >3 pts

Meets Most Expectations

Includes nine credible and current resources.

3 to >2 pts

Meets Some Expectations

Includes eight credible and current resources.

2 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Includes fewer than eight credible and current resources.

/ 5 pts

Presentation Aesthetics

view longer description

5 to >4 pts

Meets All Expectations

The presentation is professional and attractive, logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

4 to >3 pts

Meets Most Expectations

The presentation is logically organized, of appropriate length, and easy to read/follow. Font and font size are consistent throughout.

3 to >2 pts

Meets Some Expectations

The presentation is organized, but it may be too short or too long or difficult to read/follow. The font or font size may be inconsistent.

2 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

The presentation is not organized, is obviously too short or too long, or is difficult to read/follow. The font or font size is inconsistent.

/ 5 pts


view longer description
5 to >4 pts

Meets All Expectations

Consistently uses correct grammar with rare misspellings. Adheres to all APA guidelines, format, and requirements if needed.

4 to >3 pts

Meets Most Expectations

Few grammatical or spelling errors. Closely follows APA guidelines and format with only minor errors.

3 to >2 pts

Meets Some Expectations

Errors in spelling and grammar. Some errors in APA citations or format.

2 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Uses poor spelling and grammar. Does not follow APA guidelines or format.

/ 5 pts
Total Points: 0