Assignment 3: Development and Agriculture

Assignment 3: Development and Agriculture

Assignment 3: Development and Agriculture

This assignment  requires you to write  a clear, well-organized paper (500-750 words) which responds to the prompt provided below and demonstrates you have read the material in the modules.

First and foremost, I am grading your comprehension of the course material. To get a good grade, you must show me that you have read and understood the content from the modules we have covered so far.

Second, I am grading for critical thinking and analysis. How well do you form and support your arguments with evidence from the course material or external sources?

Third, I am grading for clean and quality writing. This means your paper should be well-written, thoroughly proofread, answer all parts of the prompt, and cite and format any/all sources correctly (see course Orientation for guidance on the APA style we expect you to use in this class).

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Written Assignment Instructions

In this assignment, you will examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted food security in two different countries—the United States and a developing country of your choosing. Start by familiarizing yourself with the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals(link is external) (SDGs), focusing particularly on Goal 2: “Zero Hunger.” Consider how Goal 2 is being impacted by COVID-19 by reading the following report of the U.N. Secretary-General, specifically paragraphs 20-31 is external). After reviewing this report, research how COVID-19 has impacted the U.S. and one other country of your choice, making sure to gather information that can help you answer the questions listed below.

Write a 500-750 word paper responding to the following questions:

  1. How does Sustainable Development Goal #2 (Zero Hunger) fit with your understanding of development from the course material?
  2. How has COVID-19 impacted food security in the two countries you have researched? How do the problems of access differ between your two countries?
  3. How do the similarities and differences in food security and food access in these two countries impact the way you think about development?

You must engage at least three course concepts in your paper. Remember, engaging a course concept means defining that concept and explaining how it helps you think about the theme of your paper. Please bold the concepts you engage in your response.

Review the grading rubric before completing your assignment. 

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Grading Rubric for Written Assignments




In progress


Grasp of course content

(15 points)

14-15 pts: Shows full grasp of course content by correctly engaging 3 or more course concepts. Engaging concepts includes defining them and explaining how they help understand the theme of the paper.

11-13 pts: Addresses at least 3 concepts. Shows understanding of roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of the concepts addressed.

9-10 pts: Addresses at least 2 concepts. Shows understanding of half of the concepts addressed.

0-8 pts: Understands less than half of the concepts addressed. 5 points given for trying to engage with 1 or more concepts.

Critical thinking and analysis

(20 points)

18-20 pts: Argument is very well-formed with evidence from modules or other sources to support it. The argument and analysis respond directly to the assignment prompt. 

15-17 pts: Argument is thoughtful and has some evidence to support it, but it may have gaps or it may rely on unsupported assumptions. The argument is not convincing. 

12-14 pts: Argument engages poorly with course concepts or assignment questions. It may be contradictory or rely heavily on unsupported assumptions. Critical thinking is insufficient.

0-11 pts: There’s hardly an argument, or it is difficult to follow. Alternatively, the argument and analysis may be good, but do not respond to the assignment prompt.

Meeting assignment requirements

(8 points)


Addressing 3+ course concepts: 4 pts

Addressing all assignment questions: 4 pts

Writing and citations

(7 points)

7 pts: Paper is well-written and free of grammar and spelling errors. Paper is correctly cited.

5-6 pts: Fair writing, with a few mistakes. Easy to understand.

3-4 pts: Poor writing, several mistakes. Requires effort to understand.

1-2 pts: Very poor writing, with several mistakes. Difficult to understand.