NR506NP Week 7 Discussion: APNs as Healthcare Policy Leaders

NR506NP Week 7 Discussion: APNs as Healthcare Policy Leaders

NR506NP Week 7 Discussion: APNs as Healthcare Policy Leaders

APNs as Healthcare Policy Leaders



The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the healthcare policy of the APN profession and how Transformational Leadership can help to influence policy changes. This week’s assignment focuses on the APN as a Health Policy Leader, one of the nine NONPF NP competencies. Students will analyze how health policy may affect NP practice and how Transformational Leadership can help to influence policy changes.

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Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APRN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic, and political factors (CO2)

Demonstrate professional and personal growth concerning the advocacy role of advanced practice nursing in fostering policy within diverse healthcare settings (CO3)

Advocate for institutional, local, national, and international policies that fosters person-centered healthcare and nursing practice (CO4)

Due Date: Wednesday of week 7 by 11:59 PM MST

Initial responses to the discussion topic must be posted by Wednesday 11:59 pm MT. Two additional posts to peers and/or faculty are due by Friday at 11:59 pm MT. Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due.

A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline on Wednesday of week 7, regardless of the number of days late. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59 pm MT on Friday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0).

Total Points Possible: 100

Preparing the Discussion

Criteria for Content

Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession

Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role

Discuss the four pillars of Transformational leadership and the effect they may have on influencing policy change

A scholarly resource must be used for EACH discussion question each week.

Category Points % Description
DISCUSSION CONTENTExplanation of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession

25 25%

Research healthcare policy for APNs on a state and national level and the impact on the APN profession

Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role

25 25%

Describe advocacy in healthcare terminology.

Discuss how advocacy is an essential role of the APN and its impact on patient care.

Discuss the four pillars of Transformational leadership and the effect it may have on influencing policy change

25 25%

Define Transformational leadership.

Discuss how Transformational Leadership may affect influencing policy change
75 75%

Total CONTENT Points= 75 pts
Interactive Dialogue 20 20%

4 Required Elements:

Responds a minimum of two other posts to peers and/or faculty in the threaded discussion;

Responses to peer/faculty are substantive (adds importance, depth, and meaningfulness to the discussion)

Responds to all direct questions from faculty (if no question asked directly, student responded to questions posed to the entire class)

Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week. The summary could be included in one of the three minimum posts.

Grammar, Syntax, Spelling, & Punctuation 5 5% Grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation are accurate.
25 25%

Total FORMAT Points = 25 pts

100 100%


NR506NP WK7 Health Policy Discussion_MAR20

NR506NP WK7 Health Policy Discussion_MAR20

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePolicy Impact on APN

Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession
25 pts


Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession. Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

22 pts

V. Good

Provides some relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession. Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

19 pts


Discussions use sparse scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession. Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside scholarly sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion. Demonstrates little understanding of the topic.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Discussions do not use scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of how healthcare policy can impact the advanced practice nurse profession. The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, reliable, or scholarly.

0 pts


Discussion did not include criteria.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAdvocacy

Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role

25 pts


Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of why advocacy is an essential component of advanced practice nurse role. Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

22 pts

V. Good

Provides some relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of why advocacy is an essential component of advanced practice nurse role. Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

19 pts


Discussions use sparse scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of why advocacy is an essential component of advanced practice nurse role. Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside scholarly sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion. Demonstrates little understanding of the topic.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Discussions do not use scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of why advocacy is an essential component of advanced practice nurse role. The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, reliable, or scholarly.

0 pts


Discussion did not include criteria.

25 pts

ORDER A CUSTOMIZED, PLAGIARISM-FREE NR506NP Week 7 Discussion: APNs as Healthcare Policy Leaders HERE

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePillars of Transformational Leadership

Discuss the four pillars of Transformational leadership and the effect it may have on influencing policy change
25 pts


Provides relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of Transformational Leadership and the effects it may have on influencing policy change. Uses valid, relevant, and reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

22 pts

V. Good

Provides some relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry of Transformational Leadership and the effects it may have on influencing policy change. Uses some valid, relevant, reliable outside scholarly sources to contribute to the threaded discussion.

19 pts


Discussions use sparse scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of Transformational Leadership and the effects it may have on influencing policy change. Little valid, relevant, or reliable outside scholarly sources are used to contribute to the threaded discussion. Demonstrates little understanding of the topic.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

Discussions does not use scholarly inquiry and does not state scholarly inquiry of Transformational Leadership and the effects it may have on influencing policy change. The posting uses information that is not valid, relevant, reliable, or scholarly.

0 pts


Discussion did not include criteria.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInteractive Dialogue

Must demonstrate the following elements:

• Responds a minimum of two other posts to peers and/or faculty in the threaded discussion;

• Responses to peer/faculty are substantive (adds importance, depth, and meaningfulness to the discussion)

• Responds to all direct questions from faculty (if no question asked directly, student responded to questions posed to the entire class)

• Summarizes what was learned from the lesson, readings, and other student posts for the week. The summary could be included in one of the three minimum posts.

(4 required elements)
20 pts


Demonstrated all elements for the Criterion

18 pts

V. Good

Missing 1 element for the Criterion

16 pts


Missing 2 elements for the Criterion

10 pts

Needs Improvement

Missing 3 elements for the Criterion

0 pts


Missing 4 elements for the Criterion

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Syntax, Spelling, & Punctuation

APA style references and in text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

5 pts


0-1 four errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, and APA noted.

4 pts

V. Good

2-4 errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, and APA noted.

3 pts


5-7 errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, and APA noted.

2 pts

Needs Improvement

8-9 errors grammar, spelling, and syntax noted.

0 pts


Post contains 10 or greater errors grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or APA or repeatedly makes the same errors after faculty feedback.
5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParticipation

0 pts

Discussion late penalty deductions

A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline on Tuesday by 11:59PM MST, regardless of the number of days late. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59pm MT on Wednesday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0)

0 pts

Total Participation Responses

A 10% penalty will be imposed for not entering the minimum number/type of interactive dialogue posts OR not posting on the minimum required number of days and/or faculty posts. NOTHING will be accepted after 11:59pm MT on Wednesday (i.e. student will receive an automatic 0)

0 pts

Total Points: 100