NURS6640 Week 7 Latest Assignment 3: Psychotherapy With Individuals Walden University

NURS6640 Week 7 Latest Assignment 3: Psychotherapy With Individuals Walden University

NURS6640 Week 7 Latest Assignment 3: Psychotherapy With Individuals Walden University

Practicum – Week 5 and Week 6 Journal Submission
Learning Objectives
Students will:
diagnoses for clients receiving psychotherapy*
the efficacy of therapeutic approaches for clients*

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legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric
By Day 7
Submit your
Journal Entries for Week 5 and Week 6. Refer to Week 5 and Week 6 for additional
To submit
your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:
Please save
your Assignments using the following naming convention: WK7Journal1+lastname+first
initial,” and “WK7Journal2+lastname+firstinitial.”
Click the
Week 7 Assignment 3 link.
Next, from
the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document
you saved as “WK7Assgn3+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
Repeat for each of the Practicum Journal submissions. If you are submitting
multiple files, repeat until all files are attached.
Click on
the Submit button to complete your submission.