Assignment: NU 697 Review of Literature & Appraisal of Research

Assignment: NU 697 Review of Literature & Appraisal of Research

Assignment: NU 697 Review of Literature & Appraisal of Research

Review of Literature & Appraisal of Research

For this assignment you are required to review the most recent literature (no more than 5yrs old) on your topic. See what is out there as far as research finding. Submit a one or two page WORD document that summarizes what you learn in the literature. Provide in-text citations and provide an updated Reference page. Your literature review will then lead to a clinical question that your project will answer.

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Synthesis of theoretical, methodological, empirical research as applicable

Rating of level and strength of any empirical evidence using an established evidence-based rating system (as appropriate)

Development of an evidence-based innovation addressing the clinical question