NURS 680A Advanced Health/Physical Assessment Week 1 Discussion Forum

NURS 680A Advanced Health/Physical Assessment Week 1 Discussion Forum

NURS 680A Advanced Health/Physical Assessment Week 1 Discussion Forum

Complete your weekly discussion prompt.

Click here to view the Pediatric Case Study (Links to an external site.) and then post your responses to the following questions:

  • Give three (3) examples of both subjective and objective data for this case.
  • Include examples of pertinent positive and pertinent negative data associated with each.
  • Provide rationales for your examples.

Case Study: Merci Garcia was diagnosed with celiac disease at about 11 months of age, approximately 4 months after she started on solid foods. …

Sample solution

Information that is provided from the perspective of the client is referred to as subjective data. In this case, the patient’s symptoms, including their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, are presented. Data that can be seen and measured is considered to be objective. Through observation, physical examination, lab work, and diagnostic tests, the objective data can be gathered. The client in this case study enjoys playing but gets weary easily, feels irritated, and has to rest frequently, according to some subjective data that was gathered through this assessment. The second is that the customer generally eats well but occasionally refuses to eat because she is not hungry. Last but not least, she regularly experiences excruciating stomach ache and foul-smelling stools.. Objective data that was collected about the patient was that her heart rate was regular at 102. The second is that her lungs were clear in all fields anterior and posterior.  The third is that the height and weight of the patient were 9.5 kg, and her height was 84 cm, and compared to the last examination she gained weight, but she still remains in the last percentile of both height and weight. The objective data was collected during the patient’s visit. Pertinent positive data would be used to “rule in” a particular diagnosis and for Merci, the patient has a smaller stature than expected, is slim with a prominent distended belly, constipated with occasional diarrhea. Other positive pertinent data would include that she began to have gastrointestinal symptoms and is refusing feedings and that she was slim with a distended belly and painful belly gas every day. I would say these are positive pertinent data for celiac disease. Negative pertinent data is data that help function to “rule out” other diagnostic possibilities (Packer, 2019). The only negative pertinent data that I was able to get from this case study was when the patient’s mother states that the patient has no blood in the stool.

Packer, C., (2019)., Pertinent Positives and Negatives., Retrieved from: