Essay 6: State of residence nursing scope of practice laws.

Essay 6: State of residence nursing scope of practice laws.

Essay 6: State of residence nursing scope of practice laws.

1. Discuss your state of residence nursing scope of practice laws. Post the source as well. (California)

2. Define one term in ethics (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, or fidelity) and give one nursing example

3. A nurse posted the following comment with a selfie on their social media page: “Can this shift be any longer? It started out with a waiting room full of nagging people that don’t seem to know what “emergency” means. Then I had to deal with the drama of trying to transfer a 400 lbs. (no joke) intubated COPD patient down the hall to the ICU, those ICU nurses are such divas and I wasn’t in the mood for their whining. Then I had a woman who works at McDonalds come in saying she cut her left ring finger. She is always here for pain meds and I just don’t want to deal with frequent flyers these days. Anyone around ICHS Hospital want to save me with a drink to get me through the next 10 hours of my shift???”

Discuss at least 3 issues with the above example and why (Please use terms from the lecture to support). which are (autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, or fidelity.


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