NUR 590 Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR 550 Summarize the Intervention you are Proposing

NUR 590 Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR 550 Summarize the Intervention you are Proposing

NUR 590 Topic 1 Discussion Question One

Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550 summarize the intervention you are proposing.

Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR-550, summarize the intervention you are proposing. How does this support the population of focus, your setting, and role? Justify how the problem you selected to investigate is amenable to a research-based intervention using the PICOT format. Include your PICOT statement with your response.

Alzheimer’s patients were disproportionately affected by COVID-19 (Azarpazhooh, 2020; Wang, 2021). While there is a biologic/genetic component to the mortality rates (Wang et al., 2020), it is unknown whether the quarantine induced social isolation contributed to mortality rates. Since COVID-19 vaccines have high efficacy (CDC, 2021) and have increased the safety of the elderly in community settings, it has become more common for facilities to allow Alzheimer’s family member act as a caregiver and advocate.

The importance of family/friends to Alzheimer’s patients can not be denied. During the initial COVID-19 lock-downs of community settings and long-term care, dementia patients neuropsychiatric symptoms and confusion increased due to the dramatic change and loss of their loved ones (Boutoleau-Bretonnière,2020). Therefore, during the pandemic, caregivers were eventually allowed into the facilities for compassionate visitation.

The question facing the community as it faces future pandemics and lock-downs, is how to keep the Alzheimer’s patients safe without the dramatic social isolation from their family caregivers. Therefore, like paid caregivers and medical staff, family caregivers should receive basic infection control training.

The PICOT is defined by:

Will educating Alzheimer’s’ caregivers in disease transmission control help reduce community acquired infections in Alzheimer’s patients living in community settings (i.e., long term care or assisted living) over a 3-month period?

Population: Alzheimer’s patients

Intervention: disease transmission education

Comparison: education complete versus not

Outcome: reduce community acquired infections (i.e. COVID-19, pneumonia, etc.)

Time period: 3 months

By educating family caregivers, it adds to the resources of the community settings. In the case of long-term care, the patient receives better care from their family member with staff support and reduces demands on staff time. This reduces staff stress and caseload while increasing the availability of staff to other patients.


  • Azarpazhooh, M. R., Amiri, A., Morovatdar, N., Steinwender, S., Rezaei Ardani, A., Yassi, N., Biller, J., Stranges, S., Tokazebani Belasi, M., Neya, S. K., Khorram, B., Sheikh Andalibi, M. S., Arsang-Jang, S., Mokhber, N., & Di Napoli, M. (2020). Correlations between COVID-19 and burden of dementia: An ecological study and review of literature. Journal of the Neurological Sciences416, 117013.
  • Boutoleau-Bretonnière, C., Pouclet-Courtemanche, H., Gillet, A., Bernard, A., Deruet, A., Gouraud, I., Mazoue, A., Lamy, E., Rocher, L., Kapogiannis, D., El Haj, M. (2020). The effects of confinement on neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease during the COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 76(1):41-47. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200604. PMID: 32568211.
  • Wang Q., Davis P., Gurney M., Xu, R. (2021) COVID‐19 and dementia: Analyses of risk, disparity, and outcomes from electronic health records in the US. Alzheimer’s Dementia, 2021, 1– 10.

NUR 590 Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR 550 Summarize the Intervention you are Proposing

Obesity is a growing health issue in the United States that can contribute negative outcomes with to other health conditions. It is seen as primary precursor to unhealthy outcomes and conditions as well as a major risk factor to chronic conditions.

Reducing obesity within populations can be an important intervention in increasing the overall health quality and increase preventative efforts. These efforts would include nutrition changes, weight loss programs, and physical activity programs (Pascual, Phelan, La Frano, Pilolla, Griffiths & Foster, 2019).

Based on this, my PICOT includes providing information and education about nutritious diets that would aim to reduce body mass index and produce a decrease in obesity rates. My formulated PICOT is as follows: In obese adults (P), does an education of nutrient dense diets (I) compared to individuals with no provided education (C) achieve a decrease in Body Mass Index (BMI) (O) within three months (T)?

Research based interventions is important in my role as an advanced registered nurse. Increasing the quality of health and wellness in the population is part of the obligation advanced nurses have to the public or populations. In the case of obesity, interventions to decrease obesity rates could lead to better health outcomes, prevention or treatment of chronic conditions and public health maintenance all of which can be advocated through advanced nurses (Al-Nimr, Wright, Aquila, Petersen, Gooding & Batsis, 2020).


  • Pascual, R. W., Phelan, S., La Frano, M. R., Pilolla, K. D., Griffiths, Z., & Foster, G. D. (2019). Diet Quality and Micronutrient Intake among Long-Term Weight Loss Maintainers. Nutrients11(12), 3046.
  • Al-Nimr, R. I., Wright, K. C. S., Aquila, C. L., Petersen, C. L., Gooding, T. L., & Batsis, J. A. (2020). Intensive nutrition counseling as part of a multi-component weight loss intervention improves diet quality and anthropometrics in older adults with obesity. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN40, 293–299.

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NUR 590 Based on the PICOT you developed for NUR 550 Summarize the Intervention you are Proposing Responses

Hi Abe,

You have an interesting research here. Obesity is an increasing, global public health issue, so it makes sense that you are researching for ways to curb the epidemic. Patients with obesity are at major risk for developing a range of comorbid conditions, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), gastrointestinal disorders, type 2 diabetes (T2D), joint and muscular disorders, respiratory problems, and psychological issues, which may significantly affect their daily lives as well as increasing mortality risks.

A relatively small and simple reduction in weight, for example, of around 5%, can improve patient outcomes and may act as a catalyst for further change, with sustainable weight loss achieved through a series of incremental weight loss steps (Fruh, 2017).


  • Fruh, S. M. (2017). Obesity: Risk factors, complications, and strategies for sustainable long-term weight management. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners29(S1), S3–S14.


Hello Reyes,

Obesity is a critical health concern in the United States, especially affecting the minority populations. It is considered one of the greatest risk factors for many chronic illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (Schetz et al., 2019). Management of this condition does not only prevent an individual from contracting the long-term diseases but also improves quality of life.

Your choice of intervention provides the basis for a research that provides a comparative view between compliance and non-compliance to the lifestyle standards. Educating patients on nutritional guidelines and weight loss programs are essential considerations for decreasing the Body Mass Index (BMI), which in return reduces the risks for developing the chronic health conditions.

As you have stated, advanced practice nurses are obligated to improve population health through the adoption of research-based intervention. Your proposed intervention creates an opportunity for using evidence to address obesity from a population-based setting.


  • Schetz, M., De Jong, A., Deane, A. M., Druml, W., Hemelaar, P., Pelosi, P., … & Jaber, S. (2019). Obesity in the critically ill: a narrative review. Intensive care medicine45(6), 757-769.