Health Promotion Concepts Essay 6

Health Promotion Concepts Essay 6

Health Promotion Concepts Essay 6

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Submit 1-2 formal paragraphs with at least five sentences in response to the topics below. Provide at least one academic or credible source for in-text citation and reference. Use APA 6th edition in-text citations and reference.


1. How has passage of the Affordable Care Act impacted the practice of health education and promotion? With recent events, the current administration is seeking to repeal and replace the ACA. In your opinion how will this reform impact health education/promotion? Please refer to chapter 10 of the course textbook or current academic journal article or website.


Identify a setting in which health education specialists will practice in the next 5 years to a greater degree than they do today

Describe four major societal changes that will influence the practice of health education/promotion in the next 10 years.

Explain at least one major implication of credentialing for future health education specialists

Compare and contrast the roles of health education specialists in the four practice settings

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Chapter Objectives – 2

Identify several reasons that health education specialists should be optimistic about future employment opportunities

Evaluate the role of the health education specialist in addressing the increasing costs of health care

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Changes in health information, health care costs, passage of the Affordable Care Act, and a more interconnected world will create new opportunities for health education specialists

Changes present the health education specialist with enormous opportunities

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. Health Promotion Concepts Essay 6

Demographic Changes – 1

Demographic profile – breakdown by age group, sex, race, & ethnicity shows much change from just 10 years ago

Change – U.S. population will become more diverse

Race* 2010 2030 2050

African American 12.3% 13.9% 14.6%

Hispanic 15.1% 20.1% 24.4%

Native American 0.90% 0.80% 0.70%

Asian/Pacific Islander 05.8% 06.7% 08.8%

*U.S. Census Bureau (2010)

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Demographic Changes – 2

Greatest change will occur in the Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander groups

One place where the more diverse populace is being seen is in the public schools

Pattern of demographic changes presents health education specialists with an ever widening array of challenges and opportunities

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Demographic Changes – 3

Change – U.S. population will become older

By 2050, the population over 65 is expected to grow to equal 22% of the total population, an increase from 13% in 2014


Americans living longer

Couples having fewer children

Baby boomers (1946–1964) are nearing retirement age

Need for health related programs for older Americans

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Societal Trends – 1

Much change in social mores & practices since 1960, e.g., rights of various groups, family structure, ethical concerns, reliance on technology

Technology – improved quality of life; will impact us more than ever; health education specialist will need skills (e.g., new delivery methods, tailored communication, GIS tracking)

Family structure will continue to change – traditional family is less common; postmodern family has many variations; health education specialists will need to operate on new set of norms to reach individuals, families, & communities

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Societal Trends – 2

Political climate – frustration with politics & politicians; various views—conservative, moderate, liberal; health & politics linked; more macrolevel practice; advocacy will become more important for health education specialists; health education specialists will need to get involved in the political process

Medical care establishment & the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – even with the ACA health care system still needs change; consumers need to be involved in decision making; impact of lifestyle on health is evident; ACA promotes wellness; many uninsured; increase in managed care; costs continue to rise; health education specialists can help

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