Essay 6: Cultural differences are abundant across nations

Essay 6: Cultural differences are abundant across nations

Essay 6: Cultural differences are abundant across nations

While cultural differences are abundant across nations, there are certainly some common beliefs and practices across cultures. However, most of the research on global ethics suggests strongly that different national cultures have different perspectives regarding management-related ethical values and practices. Therefore, today’s businesses operate in a dynamic global community rife with potential conflicts due to differences in values and practices across cultures that may impact on the ethical standards.

Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? Clarify the rationale for your assertion and provide at least two specific practical examples, associating them relevant cross-cultural theories and models. You must document the sources of information.

Question 2

Global managers traditionally have three roles: interpersonal, informational, and decisional. An interpersonal role, focusing on building and leading effective groups and organizations; an informational role, focusing on collecting, organizing, and disseminating relevant information in a timely fashion; and a decisional role, focusing on making creative strategic and tactical decisions on behalf of the organization and securing broad-based support for such actions.
You are a senior manager in a multinational American company’s global headquarters based in San Jose, California where thousands of immigrant employees representing many global cultures work. Please research and write a brief report on how the immigrant employees’ national cultures may influence each of those roles.

Question 3

How do national cultures impact international negotiations? Name at least three cultural factors that are important in international negotiations and explain why they are important. Give examples of how those factors could influence the way managers from two different countries may interact during international negotiations. Base your answer on what you have read in the main textbook, and from additional sources such as the e-library and the Internet.

Question 4

What national culture do you identify with? Base your answer to the following two questions on what you have read in the main textbook, and from additional sources such as the e-library and the Internet.

(a) Share three important norms in your national culture that are important for positive interactions, and three behaviors that would be considered a deviation from your cultural norms.
(b) What are the three taboos (must-not-do things) in your own national culture that outsiders must avoid in order to be accepted in your national culture?

*** Each question should be answered in no longer than 1 page (double-spaced, 12 point font size), not including the cover page and references and appendices.

Citations and Works Cited

Be careful to cite your sources in your text and to properly list them on a Reference page in accordance with the APA 6th standards. Web addresses cited should be active. No less than 3 sources to include the course textbook.Review Chapters 9 and 10 course textbook, make sure to become familiar with the names of the key concepts used in these two chapters. You can find them on page 330 for Chapter 9 and page 366 for Chapter 10: Essay 6: Cultural differences are abundant across nations

• Steers, R. and Osland, J. (2020) – 4th Edition. Management across cultures: Challenges, Strategies, and Skills. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-108-71759-5 Paperback.

Additional Resources

• Lee, S. J., and Shah-Hosseini, S. (2013). How Does an International Company Ensure That its Culture Remains Intact While Also be Flexible Enough to Cater to Local Behaviors? Cornell University, ILR School.
• Lovvorn, A. S., and Chen, J-S. (2011). Developing a Global Mindset: The Relationship between an International Assignment and Cultural Intelligence. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(9), 275-283.